Target Swingers

Long Range Target Swingers for Live‑Fire Exercises

Long Range Target Swingers
  •   Outperforms Similar Products
  •   Any Size or Silhouette Shape
  •   Standard Frames (shown)- Specials on Request
  •   BattleShield™ Steel or AR-500
  •   Easy Teardown and Assembly - No Tools Required
  •   Compact Storage
  •   Minimal Hardware Exposure

These versatile targets are excellent for live-fire military and Homeland Security exercises. They are lightweight, assemble and disassemble easily, without the aid of tools, and require minimal space for storage.

Easy Assembly of PPI Target Swingers

Targets can be supplied in BattleShield™ ballistic steel or standard AR-500. PPI’s certified manufacturing process guarantees full performance integrity of all materials - providing maximum product life and durability.

Long Range Swinging Target

Target Swingers - LRSHC

5 inch swinging round target
Above #LRSHM model is available in a 5, 8, 10, & 12 inch versions.

Any size frame or target silhouette may be supplied - matched to your specific requirements.
Contact PPI for details.

Target Swingers - detail
Fiber Reinforced Rubber Shock Absorber ▣ Fully Guarded ▣

Flyer for Target Swingers